Cuadernos de gramática española B1

Publisher: Difusion

ISBN: 9788484434764

Availability:In stock

Rs. 795.00 795.00

Author: Pilar Seijas Chao ,Bibiana Tonnelier,Sergio Troitiño Chinarro
Binding:  Paperback
ISBN-10:  8484434761
ISBN-13:  9788484434764
Language: Spanish
Level:  B1
Publisher:  DIFUSION 
Publishing Date:  01-01-2012
Subtitle:  Book
Subject: Spanish

This Spanish grammar notebook aims to develop the linguistic competencies of students at level B1. Its characteristics are: Autonomous or guided use. It can be used independently or in a course guided by a teacher. Independent use or linked to a manual. Adaptation to the Common European Framework of Reference and the reference levels of the Instituto Cervantes Curriculum Plan. Development of learning strategies. Provides helpful resources for learning grammar more effectively. Exercises for the development of oral comprehension and expression. The book is structured in units with grammar explanations and exercises. It also contains a glossary of grammar terms, the transcripts of the exercises with audio and the solutions.