Spanish With Ease Book with (Audios Downloadable)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183070249

Availability:In stock

Rs. 595.00 595.00


 Audio file


Author: john Smellie

Binding: Paperback
ISBN-10:  8183070248
ISBN-13: 9788183070249
Language: Spanish
Pages: 474
Publisher: Goyal Publisher
Publishing Date:  01-01-2005
Subtitle: Book
Subject: Spanish


 If you want to learn Spanish quickly, efficiently and enjoyably, Spanish with Ease is the best possible method to help you reach your goal.

With just thirty minutes of relaxed study each day, you can acquire German in same way that you learned your own language: by natural assimilation.

The Assimil method consists of two phases:

  • The passive phase(the first few weeks) during which you simply read and take in the dialogue and exp-la nations;
  • The active phase, which occurs halfway through the book, when you begin to generate your own sentences and to communicate spontaneously in a variety of everyday situations.

After just two months' study, you'll already begin to feel are ease. And in about five months' time, working from a solid base, you'll be ready to hold conversations in real-life contexts using vocabulary that is practical, authentic and contemporary. This edition of our highly successful course has been entirely revised and updates to reflect changes in Spanish language and society over the past decade.